Ever wondered how do locksmiths open a locked vehicle without a key and leave not even a scratch or any damage? This article unveils the real methods and tools locksmiths use, explaining how each approach works, its tools, techniques, and any associated risks with each method.
let's delve into the secrets of professional locksmiths.
Car Opening Methods
When locksmiths open cars they are simply exploiting the vehicle's engineering. There are 3 primary methods they use to achieve this.

Using a wedge tool to create a gap.
1)Opening Through the Door Frame: The most common technique nowadays. It is usually done with the help of a wedge tool and a long reach tool. The idea is to create enough space between the door and the frame. When enough space is created the long reach tool is inserted. When the long reach tool slides inside the car the locksmith will manipulate it to reach one of four primary locations.
The unlock-lock button on the door panel: if the vehicle is a newer vehicle and it has power buttons, reaching the power buttons and pressing the unlock button will open the locked car.
The door handle: when the vehicles does not have power buttons or if pressing the unlock button on the door panel gave no results, reaching the door handle and pulling it twice will usually open the locked door.
Reaching the manual door lock is another viable option, the idea is to lift a pin or manipulate the lock unlocked position.
The last point of interest would be reaching the hood release lever and opening it. This method is viable when you have a keyfob but the battery is dead and the door cylinder is broken. So after releasing the hood, boosting the vehicle with a battery pack will provide enough power for the keyfob to unlock the car again.
Opening through the door frame considered to be safe opening. The risks are minor, the biggest concern is usually leaving scratches or creating a gap that is too big which will bend the door permanently.
2)Opening Through the Window: This method is almost obsolete, the idea behind this method of opening is getting behind the window glass with a tool and manipulating the lock from the inside. It used to be the must popular method of opening however things changed now, there are better and less risky alternatives.
Usually when you buy such opening set, it will come with a manual, featuring the tool you have to use and how to manipulate it inside the door to reach the lock. The must popular 'opening through the window' tool will be the Slim-Jim.
3)Opening Through the Lock: getting access through door lock manipulation is by far the must satisfying type of opening. It involves a lot of skills and a personal 'touch', it is an art just as it is a science. This method involves inside the lock manipulation of the lock's 'pins' or as they called 'wafers', the idea is to align the combination just as the original key would do. This method involves the must skill and considered the safest way of opening a locked car, the risk is minimal and limited to the door cylinder.

Opening door by lock manipulation.